I don't have time to exercise

I don't have time to exercise

Life is busy. It's a rush from home to work to home to bed. It's a rush of appointments, errands, chores, kids clubs, school run, social events.How can you possibly find time to exercise when life is SO busy?

How about we think about this time issue in a different way? Exercise is an investment, its for the long term. Your body and mind and future self will thank you for finding the time now. Looking after yourself should be top of the list of things to do.



I think we need these pockets of alone time, unstructured and free. It's restorative and beneficial to our stress levels and emotional health. Even a few moments of quiet contemplation or meditation can help. Reading a book, colouring, knitting...engaging in something creative can be just as good for your physical health as a heart pumping exercise. See if you can schedule it in, alongside the exercise of course!

Mad March

Mad March

March is a great time of year to review those New Year Resolutions and goals and to see how far you've come and whether they're still relevant. I know I feel fitter than I did in January, but I know that I need to have a bit of a diet re-set to really feel the effects on my body. Fitness is about exercise and nutrition - the two go hand in hand.