Micro steps to wellbeing

Looking after your mental and physical wellbeing in a pandemic

We don’t have any previous experience. We’re juggling a million different and unexpected implications. It’s pretty hard to find the mental time and space to think about self care.

As I write in January 2021 we are also homeschooling our children and coping with the 3rd Lockdown in less than 12 months.

The women I am working with are overwhelmed and exhausted. Many of them feel like they ‘should’ be doing something about their physical wellbeing, because January always brings with it the ‘shoulds’ of New Year Resolution expectations.

How about starting small instead.

Microsteps forward. Mini nudges towards wellbeing. Because those mini steps can add up to macro change if you keep doing them. Make them easy, accessible and enjoyable.

Steps like:

1. Have one more glass of water in the morning

2. Take one deep breath

3. Go outside for 1 minute

4. Do 1 squat

5. Call or text one friend 

6. Eat one extra vegetable 

7. Ask yourself 'what do I need today to feel good?' 

And then the next day, see if you can make it two glasses of water, 5 deep breaths, a 5 minute walk, a home made soup.

Or perhaps add in an extra habit to try.

I hit overwhelm earlier this week.

Homeschooling, running a business, managing wider family projects, it all got to me.

So I hit ALL my micro habits and took them up a notch or two.

  • Early night

  • Cold shower

  • Morning meditation (Insight Timer is a great app)

  • Writing it out/journalling

  • Exercise outside

  • Going easy on the homeschooling

  • Allowing myself time off

  • Only putting 3 things on my to-do list

  • Good meals (plenty of veg, good fats and protein)

  • Delegating cooking dinner (I'm very grateful for my support team at home)

And do you know what. I felt tons better.

The time off and the meditation are habits I still find hard to stick to. But I have a strong connection with the benefits, so I’m working on nudging them forwards. The others are more embedded after years of nudging them forwards.

What would you choose?

And if you’d like some support and accountability in creating these habits, consider joining my Wildly Well Woman mentorship group. Super supportive, educational and a chance to learn more about wellbeing and take empowered action that fits into your life. You can find out more here.