3 steps to a bikini body

1. Go to the shops

2. Buy a bikini

3. Put it on your amazing body 

You know I don't do training that promises you incredible results/a flat tummy in 6 weeks. I do training that promises that we will work together to create a healthy attitude to food and exercise to last a lifetime. You may well have incredible results in 6 weeks following one of my carefully designed exercise programmes and paying attention to what, when and why you're eating but I want you to have results that last, habits and mindset around exercise and health that stay with you for the long term. A lot of this starts with accepting where you are now. 

There are brilliant workout and nutrition plans out there (I can recommend Fit2Drop's 14 Day Drop a Dress size), and if you've got an event coming up then these can be a great for confidence, or it can be a real a boost to your weight loss efforts. Some are not so good and are unsustainable or make false promises (don't get me started on meal replacement shakes and/or teas). I can support you make short term gains too using my knowledge and experience, but my real passion and interest is in making changes for the long term. So, wear the bikini now, don't wait. Maybe in a few months you will need a smaller size.....but I want you to look in the mirror now and accept you already have an amazing body. 

(I should confess that I never wear bikinis....I think I had one when I was about 13...I'm more of a swimming costume girl, partly because I don't trust a bikini to stay put when running/swimming and also because I'm still working on my body issues, but I know what they are and I also know that I am awesome!)